Saturday, February 14, 2009

First Post EVARRR

Hey, hello, hi, hola, and HOWDY! Welcome to my blog! I plan to make this a dessert blog, but I could see myself adding main course foods as well.

So here's what you should know about me: I'm young, single, passionate, clever, witty, sarcastic, and best of all, SOUTHERN! I was born and raised in the heart of the south, my sweet home Alabama. I grew up with a mom and grandma (maw maw) always cooking or baking up something.

The recipes you will see here come from my family and family friends, all passed down to me just a few months ago. They all include REAL ingredients, like whole milk and butter. So dieters beware: this stuff is good, and if you have to guts to make this, you WILL go off your diet for one sin-filled night (or afternoon, or evening, or morning even) of pleasure.

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